Saturday, 1 February 2014

What I Wore Lately #1

Welcome to this new series I am going to start. It is going to be just a few outfits that I have worn over the last month or so and really loved! I will link everything if I can find it on the website, if not I will just link the shop it is from if I can! Some people may think my outfits are boring but remember I am a mummy and so I need to be comfortable and stick to a budget but I still do try to be a bit stylish :)

Necklace; Charity shop, Jumper; Primark, Leather jacket; New Look, Jeans; New Look, Bag; Topshop, Flatforms; Maxstar store

Leather jacket; New Look, Necklace; Primark (old), Scarf; Buyakilt, Bag; F&F (old), Jeans; New Look, Boots (not really pictured, they are heels); F&F (old).

Necklace; Primark, Cardigan; Primark, Top; Primark, Watch; Tahlias closetJeans; New Look, Boots; F&F.

Jacket; OASAP, Blouse; Internationale (old), Necklace; New Look (I think..!?), Bag; Primark, Skirt; New Look, Heels; New Look

Snood; BritfashLeather jacket; New Look, Bag; Topshop, Skirt; Freestyle Xtreme (old), Boots; F&F.

I hope you enjoyed this and look forward to these posts in the future. I love outfits posts they give me so much inspiration.

What have you been wearing lately?

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1 comment:

  1. You and me are very alike in our fashion choices! Yeah yummy mummies! :) xxx
